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Setup the Dashboard ​

for πŸ› οΈ System Administrator ​

For users who prefer full control over their infrastructure and data, Didroom supports on-premise deployment. Follow these steps to deploy the DIDroom Dashboard on your own infrastructure:


If you are unfamiliar with servers, devops and unix commands look also at the Software as a service section that will allow you to define a credential issuance flow in minutes! Without installing anything on your servers.


Before starting please make sure you have a

  1. Git installed on your server
  2. Docker compose installed on your server
  3. DID admin domain/context as specified on dyne/W3C-DID

1. clone the repo ​

git clone --recursive


Pay attention at the --recursive that will clone also the sub repositories!

2. Run the Dashboard (Admin Panel and DIDroom Control Room) ​

cd signroom
docker compose up --build

This will run the DIDroom Dashboard which includes two interconnected web-applications:

  • Admin Panel: based on PocketBase, this application is accessible only to the sysadmin and it allows to configure and edit data structure and API configurations.
  • DIDroom Control Room: this the DIDroom web application accessible to all users, allows to manage credential issuance and verification flows and their deployment and the organizations

The two web applications run on two different ports and have different user accounts.

3. Create an account and log in onto the DIDroom Control Room ​

Go to:


Register a new uer and log in. From this point, you should be able to create an organization, and from there you can create issuance and verification flows, etc.

4. login onto to the Admin Panel ​

Go to:



Pay attention at the final underscore, of the address

A default administrator user is created with the following user and pass:


pass: adminadmin

5. Setup the DID service ​

DIDroom uses the Dyne's DID service as a public key infrastructure. You can choose to ask us (Forkbomb or to provide you the admin data, or deploy Dyne's DID service on your server.

You can ask for your admin domain/context as specified on dyne/W3C-DID

Follow the video:

  1. login into the dashboard
  2. go on the features collection
  3. select the DID feature
  4. insert you admin data