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Present a credential ​

A credential is a cryptographic object, containing a set of claims and a signature from a trusted issuer.

The purpose of having a credential is to able to prove the claims to someone in a secure and private way. In order to prove the claims, you will need to present the credential, the term 'present' has technical implication that involve:

  • Cryptographic transformations applied to the credential in order to produce a Verifiable Presentation
  • The communication of the Verifiable Presentation to an application or microservice (called Relying Party) that will verify the claims

Those steps (among with others that we omit for simplicity) occur in the Verification Flow.

The Verification Flow ​

The Verification Flow is initiated by a Verifier, meaning a user equipped with the Verifier App and the following happens:

  1. The Verifier App produces a QR-Code
  2. The user holding the Wallet App, opens QR-Code reader and scans the QR-Code
  3. The Wallet App reads the QR-Code, reads the request of the Verifier and search through list of obtained credentials to see if any of them matches the request.
  4. If a credential is found, that matches the request of the Verifier, than a Verifiable Presentation is produced and sent to Relying Party
  5. If the verification of the Verifiable Presentation is successful (or fails), a notification will appear in both the Wallet and Verififer App